Science ESL Quiz questions

Easy (Lower intermediate)
Science (easy ESL TEFL science quiz questions)

1. What does your heart pump? Blood
2. Which is the nearest star? the Sun
3. Which is heavier, gold or silver? Gold
4. How many sides does a triangle have? Three
5. What is H20? Water
6. What is the furthest anybody has been from America? The moon
7. Which is the biggest planet (in our solar system)? Jupiter
8. How many sides does a cube have? 6
9. Where does paper come from? Trees
10. Fire needs two things, fuel and what gas? Oxygen
11. If you mix together the colours yellow and blue, what colour do you make? Green
12. If you have 12 Chocolate bars and you eat half of them, how many do you have left? 6
13. What would you use to ring somebody? A telephone
14. If you have £5.00 and you buy 3 apples for £0.50 each and a bannana for £1.00, How much money do you have left? £2.50

Medium (Intermediate)
Science (intermediate ESL TEFL English as a foreign language science quiz questions)

1. Blood is filtered by which pair of organs? The Kidneys
2. Which planet is the fifth from the sun? Jupiter
3. Who developed the theory of relativity? Albert Einstein
4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N? Nitrogen
5. In which part of a living cell is DNA found? Nucleus
6. Which travel faster, light or sound waves? Light waves
7. Which sign means equals in Maths? =
8. Name a planet that has rings around it. Jupiter / Saturn
9. True or False, The sun is a star. True
10. What does the earth revolve around? The Sun
11. What revolves around teh earth? The moon
12. Which of these is NOT a primary colour, Red, Yellow, Orang, Blue? Orange

Hard (Higher intermediate)

Science (hard advanced higher intermediate ESL TEFL English as a foreign language science quiz questions)
1. What is NaCl? Common salt
2.What is the hardest natural substance? Diamond
3. What is a more common name for the Aurora Borealis? The Northern Lights
4. What gas do all fuels need in order to burn? Oxygen
5. How many sides has an octagon? Eight?
6. Which planet is closest to the sun? Mercury
7.Which vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits? Vitamin C
8.What instrument is used for measuring temperature? A Thermometer
9.Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection? Charles Darwin
10.What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere? Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
11. What is the study of plants called? Botany


Science (Advanced higher intermediate ESL TEFL TESL English as a foreign language science quiz questions)

1. Triton is a moon of which planet?Neptune
2. For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?photosynthesis
3. Which physicist wrote a book called 'A Brief History of Time'?Stephen Hawking
4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn?zinc
5. In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found?the brain
6. What do we call the study of birds?ornithology

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